Monday, October 7, 2013

Is This Our Future?

This is a personal observation, an editorial, if you will.

I began to be troubled about the direction of our nation some years ago, specifically in regard to all the "opportunities" for people of faith to become involved in the community, while continuing to decry separation of church and state.  Ultimately, in less than 20 years, it clearly hasn't brought a godly influence to the American society, but it has served to silence many voices, and redefine discrimination.  I guess discrimination hasn't really been redefined, it's just now religious discrimination is politically correct in the case of some religions, specifically beliefs based upon the full Scripture.  While I hear Christians decrying discrimination, I've actually had them verbalize specifically and stop talking to me at that point, that they don't want to hear about "Old Testament Law."  I don't preach "Old Testament Law," I live by it, which apparently causes them some issues.  I'm not at all, suggesting this is persecution, at this time, but it is a direction that is gaining momentum.

Many Christians sense the social animosity toward their beliefs regarding homosexuality, abortion, and Christmas.  The problem is at least two fold and part of it is not in society, but the religious beliefs themselves, as Christmas is not a Scriptural issue . . .  So the "war on Christmas" was just a manufactured mantra to divert the focus and render the loss of credibility for the other two issues of true importance.   When "persecution" is decried over a holiday that is not Scriptural while being quite cluttered with mysticism, magic, and deception; the foundation for a "persecution complex" is established.  This trend has gained traction to the point of genuine discrimination against some business owners and their beliefs.  I would be curious to see how many of these business owners are Sabbath keepers . . .The other problem in this is societal, in that the American culture is not based upon the Bible, but Constitution and the "perceived" electorate.

I, personally, believe the "leaders" are determined before the election, but of course, I can't prove it.  The fact that America proudly proclaims pride in various areas of the culture is clear indication the Biblical definition of that word is irrelevant.  It will only continue in this current trend.  Only the complete Word of YHWH will bring credibility to any faith based claim!

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