Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reassessing Net Worth

I am not promoting this particular coin or business, but this video contains some very interesting information in regard to an economy no longer based upon paper and cheap plated coins.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reported In America

As the mainstream news appears to become more filtered and biased, we're going to be picking up and reporting random local news stories, in an effort to not allow what is seemingly isolated incidents to fly under the radar.

"They had to taser him . . ."???

This is too close to home for this reporter and seems there was significant discrepancy in the report and the dash cam video . . .

Might want to find an alternative route to avoid Deming, New Mexico and Hidalgo County all together . . .
Anal probe is not just for space alien sci-fi anymore!

Even though these incidents seem isolated and distant, they all happened in America.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Please Read

For those who know someone who is preparing for hard times, but still choosing to spend your resources and time as you always have, please read this.  I've been writing warnings of those who will have guns expecting manna.   I've seen religious people justify a lot of self-serving and I've seen unbelievers makes some really scary decisions.

Those of us who are preparing are sharing this.  I didn't write this, and I've never stated anything so strongly, but I can't say I disagree with the sentiments.