Sunday, December 29, 2013

Reality Check

There are many, many comments across social media now, that are definitely indicating, the whole rapture theory is just an idea of self-focused wishful thinking.  There are also many, many comments across social media, youtube, and a great many articles written that are teaching, we need to get back to the Instructions of our Creator.

One of those Instructions is Sabbath.  It's a cyclic rest, not only weekly, but it pertains to years and the land as well.  This coming season is the 6th tilling season in the cycle, and then the land is to rest.  I've been trying to keep myself balanced between fear of YHWH, a desire for obedience, and preparation for what may ensue if our Creator determines the land will rest, whether we're ready or not . . .

I think of the images of the shopping mobs on black Friday.  Look what people will do just for a bargain!  What will they do when the electronics are not working and they want food?

And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.  Matthew 25:8

I'm guessing, people will not be as courteous and cordial as the exchange of words between the foolish and wise in this parable . . . 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Death for Nonrespect

Granted, no family is going to believe their loved one was in the wrong . . . well except mine, but that's not the focus today.  Is non-respect, really disrespect, to be perceived resistance?  And even if all that is the case, is it worthy of the death sentence without a trial?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

International Code?

As someone heading off the grid, this truly concerns me.  I'm not so offended that cities like to enforce their codes with residents in the city limits.  That fact was instrumental in my own relocation, but the fact that "International Code" was mentioned is alarming.  Check it out.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reassessing Net Worth

I am not promoting this particular coin or business, but this video contains some very interesting information in regard to an economy no longer based upon paper and cheap plated coins.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reported In America

As the mainstream news appears to become more filtered and biased, we're going to be picking up and reporting random local news stories, in an effort to not allow what is seemingly isolated incidents to fly under the radar.

"They had to taser him . . ."???

This is too close to home for this reporter and seems there was significant discrepancy in the report and the dash cam video . . .

Might want to find an alternative route to avoid Deming, New Mexico and Hidalgo County all together . . .
Anal probe is not just for space alien sci-fi anymore!

Even though these incidents seem isolated and distant, they all happened in America.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Please Read

For those who know someone who is preparing for hard times, but still choosing to spend your resources and time as you always have, please read this.  I've been writing warnings of those who will have guns expecting manna.   I've seen religious people justify a lot of self-serving and I've seen unbelievers makes some really scary decisions.

Those of us who are preparing are sharing this.  I didn't write this, and I've never stated anything so strongly, but I can't say I disagree with the sentiments.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A House of Cards

It's been a number of years since I even attempted a house of cards.  As a matter of fact, it's been so many years, I didn't even have a full deck when I decided this article needed illustrations . . . It could be the lack of a full deck will make this illustration to be an even more accurate comparison to the economic house of cards we have built in Washington DC.
On a house of cards, it is impossible to build upward without a ceiling.  But it can continue to expand outwardly.

Add a ceiling and it's possible to add another "story" [pun intended] to the house of cards.

Outward, upward and onward . . . It just becomes so easy to see how bureaucracies expand with agencies to more programs . . .

And here we have more expansion . . .

But the ceiling has a hole . . .

No problem, we don't need a full ceiling to get building and expanding again . . .

Well, maybe we do, after all!

Keep in mind, this house of cards was first established on a flat solid surface, not a hole of debt . . .

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Military Morality

With old cliches about drunken sailors and military language, not to mention M*A*S*H*, etc. I can't help but wonder how men with exemplary careers are suddenly ousted on vague rumors and unsubstantiated accusation.

High ranking officers with high levels of security clearance have been dismissed recently.

Lieutenant General James Kowalski came up in most of the articles, so I've included a link to his bio.

The resignation of General Petraeus seems to have launched a cavalcade of high ranking officials leaving the military after stellar careers and outstanding service to the country.  With the last two coming through the government shutdown, I just can't help but wonder why someone had enough authority to fire trust high ranking officers, but didn't have enough authority to deliver burial benefits to grieving families.  Of course, with these, odd charges of conduct, I can't help but wonder what part of the agenda they refused to go along with.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Organizing the Chaos

In order to organize the chaos, chaos must be created!  The quickest route to full blown chaos is an undermanned crisis.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Is This Our Future?

This is a personal observation, an editorial, if you will.

I began to be troubled about the direction of our nation some years ago, specifically in regard to all the "opportunities" for people of faith to become involved in the community, while continuing to decry separation of church and state.  Ultimately, in less than 20 years, it clearly hasn't brought a godly influence to the American society, but it has served to silence many voices, and redefine discrimination.  I guess discrimination hasn't really been redefined, it's just now religious discrimination is politically correct in the case of some religions, specifically beliefs based upon the full Scripture.  While I hear Christians decrying discrimination, I've actually had them verbalize specifically and stop talking to me at that point, that they don't want to hear about "Old Testament Law."  I don't preach "Old Testament Law," I live by it, which apparently causes them some issues.  I'm not at all, suggesting this is persecution, at this time, but it is a direction that is gaining momentum.

Many Christians sense the social animosity toward their beliefs regarding homosexuality, abortion, and Christmas.  The problem is at least two fold and part of it is not in society, but the religious beliefs themselves, as Christmas is not a Scriptural issue . . .  So the "war on Christmas" was just a manufactured mantra to divert the focus and render the loss of credibility for the other two issues of true importance.   When "persecution" is decried over a holiday that is not Scriptural while being quite cluttered with mysticism, magic, and deception; the foundation for a "persecution complex" is established.  This trend has gained traction to the point of genuine discrimination against some business owners and their beliefs.  I would be curious to see how many of these business owners are Sabbath keepers . . .The other problem in this is societal, in that the American culture is not based upon the Bible, but Constitution and the "perceived" electorate.

I, personally, believe the "leaders" are determined before the election, but of course, I can't prove it.  The fact that America proudly proclaims pride in various areas of the culture is clear indication the Biblical definition of that word is irrelevant.  It will only continue in this current trend.  Only the complete Word of YHWH will bring credibility to any faith based claim!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kerry and the UN

Rather than rewrite news from my perspective, or give my perspective Kerry's signature on this treaty, I feel compelled to share the link below.  I would like to also include a question and a brief statement regarding the reminder that came to me.  Is this one more step of Agenda 21?  We are aware that all members of the UN are referred to, not as sovereign nations, but as states.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What Will Be the New Word for These Modern Pogroms?

When this story hit my news feed, I literally wept.  Remember the wedding reception in Fiddler on the Roof?  How unimaginable that sort of thing must have been and how easy it was to breathe a sigh of relief and think how far we are from that sort of governmental abuse!  We're not so far, anymore . . .  Being a homesteader myself, it was all to easy to put myself in their place, and I certainly didn't like the way it made me feel.

We ran a story last month on a SWAT Team raid of an organic farm in Texas.  Just as a refresher, the raid resulted in some seizure of plants.
>>>>Members of the local police raiding party had a search warrant for marijuana plants, which they failed to find at the Garden of Eden farm. But farm owners and residents who live on the property told a Dallas-Ft. Worth NBC station that the real reason for the law enforcement exercise appears to have been code enforcement. The police seized "17 blackberry bushes, 15 okra plants, 14 tomatillo plants ... native grasses and sunflowers," after holding residents inside at gunpoint for at least a half-hour, property owner Shellie Smith said in a statement. The raid lasted about 10 hours, she said.<<<<
There was one arrest for an outstanding traffic violation . . . nothing that had occurred that day, however.  So, if you have a garden in Texas, be sure you don't have any outstanding parking tickets!

Now, back to this beautiful dinner party.  All of the guests were there for the very reason, the health department destroyed everything.  The people wanted the "farm to fork" experience and the host had gone to a great deal of trouble to be in compliance.  The health department was so abusive in their power, that when the owners asked if they could feed the "contraband" vegetables to their pigs, the agent refused to allow that.  The agent then forced bleach to be poured on everything, so it's not even fit to be compost.  We ran an article last spring about all the meat that was donated and destroyed.

Genesis explains very clearly through the account of Pharaoh's Egypt in it's height of power.  Whoever controls the food will control the people.
I've raised the question for some time now, and I'll raise it here.  Do you supposed the children of Israel woke up one morning and said, "Today, we become slaves;" OR do you think it was a slippery slope of continued intimidated concession and attempt to comply, and they woke up one morning asking "When and why did this happen?"

Nevada was one of the worst hit states when the Real Estate bubble burst.  I can't imagine trying to homestead there, if the land were free!  Welcome to the New Amerika, we've redefined the word "Free!"

Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Operation Independence"

I saw this same information from two different sources.  One was the local news for LA and the other, Alex Jones.  Not only two very different sources, but obviously two very different perspectives.  One source presented it as a very good thing, while the other presented it quite ominously.  I'll include both links and you can judge for yourself.

The perspectives alone will keep us all debating the merits of the source, rather than realize the actual fact that this is happening across the country.  The federal government, Department of Homeland Security, is using local law enforcement which maintains the appearance familiar and local, possibly even isolated.

                                  LA Local                                              Alex Jones

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Turbulent Times Ahead

As we read so many headlines about wars, and rumors of wars, we realize we are truly in turbulent, troubling times.  Will our answer be more containment, check points, and possible martial law?  It truly does look to be the direction we are headed.

A nation that has a voice that keeps crying out "Christian Nation," should know Paul told us, in Ephesians 6:12, that our battle is not against flesh and blood.  Messiah Y'hshuwah said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of G-d."

We've truly lost sight in the fact, that our nation has chosen to stand on the wrong side of prophecy as it is fulfilled.  Scripture also tells us, those who kill will be killed and those who take captives will be taken into captivity.

I was truly disturbed by a video clip I saw, but I checked it out, and as of the posting of this information, it is still viewable at go army

If there is preparation for that much man-power, a need will be created.