This article in no way is intended to promote taking the life of an unborn child.
With that said, however; I'd like to remind us all that the pro-choice mantra has been "My body, my choice." It would appear that is not the case.
A woman can go to an abortion provider, but ordering abortion pills on the internet are resulting in arrests. One woman in Indiana has actually been found guilty of feticide, but no drug was found in her system . . .
The following links are truly reflective that "my body, my choice" is really not the case.
Indiana: Indiana
This final link truly reflects the loss of conscience and lack of regard for life, this country now has.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Trouble in Waco
This was not written by myself or any of our current contributors.
Copied from a Social Media post by 2 Million Bikers to DC.
ABOUT WACO ~ First off, IF you do not read this in it's entirety that is ON YOU! Many here do not understand the Biker community so we have tried to lay it out as much as possible. But it is up to YOU to read it.
The DIFFERENCE between 1%, Motorcycle Clubs and Biker Organizations:
1% Clubs ~ Per their own definitions they are the 1% of the Biker population that live by their own rules, not society rules. The Federal government call them OMG's which stands for Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. Most in the Biker refer to them simply as 1%'s. They keep to themselves, they rarely bother anyone unless someone is trying to step on their turf. BTW even though the only time we hear about these groups is when they are in the news, they do many GREAT things in and around their communities. That does not mean we support any illegal activities they are accused of.
Motorcycle Clubs: Organizations created with a specific purpose, intent and/or goal. There are literally thousands of MC's across America! ALL do Charity rides, rallies etc. within their communities and states. These groups would include:
>Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) ~ It is exactly what it states a Christian Biker Org that does a LOT of work for God!
>Veterans - This is a group of Veteran MC Riders who help other veterans and their families. ALL are Veterans who know best how to help their fellow veterans as they come home or are in need.
These are just a few of the Motorcycle clubs that have gained National attention and MUCH respect from not only Patriot Americans, but Police Depts, Military Organizations, etc. Most of us here at 2MBTDC belong to one or more of the MC's above within our states.
Bikers Orgs: Are usually independent riders who get together for a common goal or purpose to support the biker community and MC's. 2 Million Bikers would fit into that category as would NCOM - National Coalition of Motorcyclists.
CORRECTION > Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) Who were created in response to Westboro Baptist Church protests at Veterans funerals. They now gather and protect Veteran Funerals across America IF the family requests them. PGR was originally mis-identified as a is not an MC it is an org.
>BACA~ Bikers Against Child Abuse - This group assists abused kids. They help them through rough times like when they have to go to court to testify against their abuser, the protect these kids by standing guard around their homes, schools, etc..making sure the kids KNOW that their abuser cannot get to them!
NCOM created the Confederation of Clubs (COC) 30 years ago to help bring 1%, MC's and Bikers Org's together for the following purposes:
**Confederation of Clubs Goals**
Bring the Patch holders Together
Communication between clubs. (To help regulate & decide who, what & how Patches aka Rockers, within each state should be addressed & worn)
Communication between clubs. (To help regulate & decide who, what & how Patches aka Rockers, within each state should be addressed & worn)
A judicial coming together (not legislative) to protect our rights through the courts.
Fight Police Harassment and Discrimination
Introduce anti-discrimination legislation, similar to the Unruh Act in California, in Confederation States that presently leave bikers unprotected; A.I.M. attorney to work with state motorcycle rights organization (MRO) on new laws.
Introduce anti-discrimination legislation, similar to the Unruh Act in California, in Confederation States that presently leave bikers unprotected; A.I.M. attorney to work with state motorcycle rights organization (MRO) on new laws.
Form delegation of patch holders and other affected bikers, that together with their local A.I.M. attorney, present police harassment grievances to the police chief and/or civic entity responsible.
Discriminatory establishments notified by the A.I.M. attorney that suit will be filed if they don't cease and desist.
Proclamation of Intent
Working with local state MRO on legislative matters (ie. helmet issues, anti-biker discrimination, etc).
Working with local state MRO on legislative matters (ie. helmet issues, anti-biker discrimination, etc).
Working with the National Coalition of Motorcyclists on national and federal matters (ie. helmet issues, federal Gang Bill, etc).
It was a well known fact by all bikers, citizens and yes, WACO police (which includes FEDS) that the COC meeting would be held on Sunday. All of the above groups, 1%'s, MC's and Biker Orgs attend these meetings. Again the COC is a way to let others know about upcoming legislation, events & rides as well as discuss Patch issues. (Patches are the symbols that each group wears on their leathers, letting others know what group they represent)
There are several "theories" floating around ~ Let's get rid of the first one, it was NOT a fight over a parking space! Bikers rarely if ever fight over a freaking parking space! They don't need to, they can fit 2-3 bikes per space!
The second we hear is that it started in the bathroom, that could be the case as per other reports there was an issue that occurred. However, the weekend before the planned COC meeting there was an issue that may have spilled over to the fight that occurred. BUT the fight broke our PRIOR to meeting time.
What we DO know is that the place was already surrounded by FEDS, WACO Police and ATF LONG before any biker showed up! WHY were they there? Literally HUNDREDS of biker meetings between the various 1%, MC's and Org's had met there in the past ....ALL peacefully! The PD states it was because of the dispute the previous week. HOWEVER, there was a fight that started inside Twin Peaks and made it's way outside! Those fighting had KNIVES ...NOT GUNS when they took the fight outside.
NO GUNS were shown as the fight made it outside from our understanding, but that is when the police started firing. WE DO NOT know if someone pulled out a gun from within the groups OR if the police were just too quick on their draw! Either way, ALMOST all shots fired came from police...not the ones fighting. ***again this is from we are getting from those there***
WACO PD have not been very friendly towards bikers and the FEDS TOTALLY despise Bikers! Why? Because we are not afraid of them or their agenda! We are a threat to them! Remember folks we were able to organize in 24 days 800,000 -1.2 million bikers to DC! We did it WITHOUT their permission or support! They even SHUT DOWN the traffic cams...had the news NOT flown over the scene there would have been NO proof that we rode! Yes, folks, like it or not even 1%'s rode with us! They set aside their territories and rode peacefully! JUST like they do at ALL COC meetings!
Bikers stand up to them, to their Christian hate, their muslim agenda and whatever else they want to throw at us! BIKERS ARE PRESENTLY THE BACKBONE of PATRIOT AMERICA! WHAT BETTER WAY TO BRING THEM DOWN THAN WITH BAD PRESS SUCH AS THIS!
OUR question to WACO PD & FEDS ~
WHO's bullets killed the 9 who died and those taken to the hospital?
Where is all the video from that surrounds the TWIN PEAKS and all the other businesses?
WHY have no charges been filed yet EACH of those in custody have a $1,000,000 bond?
WHY were those who had LEGAL carry permits arrested?
WHY are so many being held in jail that do not have records, were not part of the OMG's they (PD) were targeting?
WHY are ALL BIKES of those in jail being confiscated via Civil Forfeiture? Civil forfeiture is supposed to occur if someone is found GUILTY of a crime while that "property" was in use or used to commit the crime!
WHY are bikers that had NO association with their targets being held on $1,000,000 bond? MANY are Christian Bikers and Veteran Bikers who committed no crime other than being on the scene?
Now as a whole this group does NOT condone police bashing, FED bashing YES....but WACO PD seems to be part of the FED agenda! So America, ask yourselves this...WHEN SHTF (and it will) WHO do you want on YOUR side? BIKERS OR FEDS? We KNOW where the FEDS stand and we KNOW how much they hate bikers!
LAST NOTE: There was NEVER EVER any threats made to WACO PD! That was TOTALLY made up!
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